glowing look

I have always been a brand lover. No matter the quality, cost, sustainability,
I had to have that particular item from that particular producer. Those who know me will agree, that me and Chanel skin care and make up line were friends for a very long time. The moment has come though. I cheated on them. I cheated and I liked it. I got to try Charlotte Tilbury Light Wonder foundation and Wonder Glow ‘beauty flash’ and I absolutely fell in love. I have been looking for a make up, that moisturise, cares and makes your skin glow. When you live in UK, where Glossier doesn’t ship (yet!!) and all that glossy LA look is not available, you’ve got to find a solution. Brace yourselves, Charlotte is here! With close to bare skin feeling, radiant and luminescent look, Light Wonder is all you need.
It does not provide strong coverage, it tints skin, evens out blemishes, smoothes pores. After few days of using it, I noticed my skin has improved. It looks happy- I know I sound cheesy, sorry. Product itself is advertised as a TT ‘Treat and Transform’ foundation. It’s breathable formula blends easily and gives you youthful glow, diminishes fine lines and wrinkles. All you need, right?
As to Wonder Glow, I encourage you to visit the linked website, buy it, and never stop using.
Ms Tilbury describes it as one of her seven wonders for our skin and I agree.
Now, if you’re looking for a nice, light finish, I recommend Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder. It’s absolutely great together with mentioned foundation and primer. It doesn’t look heavy on skin, it sets the make up so it stays all day. It’s translucent, so good for most of us and the packaging is really big, so it lasts ages!
Rise and shine, as they say x