Summer 2k17

 <- oops, I don’t know how I did that hehe

Hi there,
it’s Wednesday, 2nd Aug, London. Grey skies, 17 degrees outside. Showers in forecast. Yay for holidays!

I envy people who live in continental Europe. You guys have 4 seasons and the difference between them is noticeable. Meanwhile here, in England, I live in one season. Temperature is always the same, if I was stubborn enough, I could wear the same jacket all year round. Fun, heh? And yes, I go on holidays, once a month lately, but the problem is that 3-5 days away won’t bring summer back. You can’t relax in this time, you can’t even get tanned. Even if you manage to get sunburnt, your pathetic tan will disappear 3 days after returning to London. It’s not about tan though. It’s about your mental health. You need to feel glowing in spring, free in summer, cozy in autumn and hygge in winter. There are certain emotions connoted to seasons. When there is no difference between June and February, how are you meant to stay sane? I believe that is one of the reasons there is so much to do indoors in here. Pubs, museums, everything has good lighting, nice atmosphere, extraordinary staff to make your life bearable, to fill those long days of greyness with smile, art and happiness (or alcohol). There is plenty do to here. You could go to a gig every single night, go to different museum, gallery or art exhibition every week, but there is no summer feeling here.
oh wait! there is one thing that makes me realise what season we have. It’s the Christmas lighting on the streets of London. Thousands of light, everywhere, all day and night long! That’s when London feels festive. That is the best time to visit. Oh and have I mentioned, there is Christmas Mall open at Selfridges. Already. Yes. So when you’re on your holidays in Croatia, Spain or Italy, enjoying sun and the sea, I’m here looking at Christmas Trees and Santa Claus. Yep.
To make things a little bit more optimistic I’ve decided to post some cute beachy pics. Enjoy your summer kids!