Danish style, the best style

Some time ago I thought I’d move to Kobenhavn and I couldn’t be more excited. I love that city. You feel alive there, everything has its time and order and it’s just so pleasant. Dream. Besides all that, Danish also have Acne Archive and in general, just the best style sense of all. Yes, I said it. So Copenhagen fashion week has just come to an end, influencers are leaving city to go back to their summer destinations and guess what? They will take with them the new old good Havaianas! Flip flops are the thing now, they go with the daytime outfit as well as with the evening uniform. All thanks to the Danish. We love you girls!

Now that we have agreed, that Havaianas are not only comfy and universal, but also stylish, lets risk another theory. Butterfly pins. I’g gonna go ahead and say: go get one, they will be big soon.

Oh and yes, do you maybe own a pair of runners? Not like fancy latest collab of some huge brands, but just normal Asics or something. You know, when you got yourself a pair of trainers, because you were going to be active and fit and all that? Yes those ones. Put them on and go own this beautiful day!

Pictures used in this post in courtesy of Emily Weiss, Camille Charriere, Fashion Polish DK, Lucy Williams from Fashion Me Now