day 2

London, 8.30 am
I wake up. The weather is not too bad. I mean, I can’t really complain. I can see blue skies, there’s this cold morning breeze, trees outside are giving this nice shade. Pretty cool. Right, gotta check my calendar for today. To do list is pretty tense, so much to do. Paper work that need to be done before deadline hits. Oh well. Gotta do what you gotta do, ain’t it? So I get up, get things sorted, shower and leave the house. Pretty good mood, I’m finalising some of the things that have been hanging around for too long. Optimistic. Life is great. It is 4.52pm

I see this sign:

I’m late. Of course I’m late. Why wouldn’t I?! Life is great.
In situations like this you think a lot. You think how you could have checked the opening hours, how you could have been more motivated and organised. You’re not and you blame yourself. You put pressure on yourself. You’ve got to be like Beyonce, crazy busy, doing billion thing at once and succeeding always. Well I’m here to tell you- stop it.
It’s ok to be wrong sometimes. It’s ok to take your time to do things. Do not kill yourself over everyday responsibilities. Things need to be done, but if you give yourself time and space to do them properly, with enthusiasm rather than attitude, you’ll appreciate the outcome more. You’ll be happier. Give yourself a break. Honestly. You’re worth it (credits to L’Oreal Paris). #notsponsored

Yes, there is a lot of groceries pictures included, I like food.